Meditation Workshop
Awakening the Third Eye
spring 2024, Ljubljana
Welcome to the Mediation Workshop of the Clairvision School!
This 2-days workshop teaches basic knowledge and techniques of Meditation, Developing vision (perceiving or „seeing” non-physical realities), Energy management, and Energetic protection.
Through the Third eye, the consciousness can be internalized, thus opening up a simple way to reach inner stillness and gain access to spiritual experiences. The direct personal experience and practical application of the knowledge is a key principle in this work – „see for yourself, know for yourself”
What will you experience and learn?
- Awakening of the third eye and meditation for awakening the third eye.
- Developing vision in eye contact practices.
- Energy management & protection: sealing the aura, energetic cleansing, …
- Relaxation & regeneration: Night Practice for recuperation & psychic sleep.
- Dowsing earth lines and energy wells.
- Meditation posture
- Verticality: controlling headaches, helping chronic fatigue & burn-out syndrome.
These techniques are bringing clarity, focus, and awareness, which help us to overcome our limits and thus improve our lives. Check also a detailed list of skills covered during the course –>
- Location: Devi joga center, Bobenčkova 4, Ljubljana
- Time frame: 11th May, Saturday & 12th May, Sunday, 9am-5pm
- Language: English and Slovene
- Price: 180 € early bird until the 15th of April, 210 € regular price
Please transfer your tuition on the following account: BLUMI Sabina Blumauer s. p. (account holder) // Dolenjska cesta 23C, 1000 Ljubljana (address) // IBAN: SI56 6100 0001 2599 871 // BIC: HDELSI22 (Delavska hranilnica) // Purpose: ATE and your name.
For more information write to or call +386 31 880 220 (Sabina).
Instructor: Katarina Medved
Katarina Medved is an IST practitioner (IST – Inner Space Techniques), Entity Clearer, and meditation instructor of the Clairvision School of Meditation, whose student she’s been for the last sixteen years. With a university degree in Computer Science and Technology, she worked as a CIO and a project manager in the Information systems area and as an assessor for the state TQM (Total Quality Management) awards.
She is also a partner, a mother, and a big fan of nature and traveling. Developing vision of nonphysical realms, and pursuing a spiritual path is her big passion which she shares with her clients from all over the world – in the last fourteen years, she has facilitated more than a thousand IST regression sessions, which are conducted in the space of the third eye. IST sessions not only help you to release your withheld emotions, you learn about your true nature, develop nonphysical senses and experience energetic rearrangements. Katarina brings warmth, clarity, and enthusiasm to the Awakening of the Third Eye meditation workshops, which she is conducting in Slovenia with other experienced Clairivison students.
These fun weekend workshops are a good foundation to learn to manage your energies in this fast-paced everyday life, where our consciousness constantly gets intertwined with the new technologies and virtual reality. Learn the meditation techniques for modern 21st-century spiritual seekers that actually work!
” I experienced the ATE workshop as an introduction in the whole week IST regression work. The ATE workshop is amazing. I finally learned how to meditate just by myself. I started understanding through experience what it means to protect yourself energetically and I started using uplifting technique on regular basis, which makes a huge change in my clarity and wellbeing. All this made me more awake, present and gave me the feel who I really am. I am infinitely grateful for Clairvision school in my life, it is the biggest gift I got. With techniques I learned i finally got back Myself (sense of Self) and started Living!” Sabina
“For me the ATE workshop was brake through. It was the first time I meditated 30 minutes in one piece and I did not expected that I will love it so much. Also practices with sounds and sense of tingling between my eyes were very interesting. Very simple steps in understanding broader context of spirituality and totally practical approach gave me opportunity to experience meditation, which became part of my everyday. I recommend this workshop to all who want to live more fully and want more from life. For me the world definitely changed with this workshop that opened the door to different perspective.” Maja
Clairvision is an international School of Meditation, it’s students are offering courses all around the world. The school has also developed it’s own style of therapy, IST (Inner Space Techniques) regression therapy. For more information visit and